Start Earning From The Moment You Launch It Engage users with this Trending & colorful game. Similar to one of the most popular games of all time ” Cut the Rope “. Remastered to follow the hypercasual trend. Features Quick Reskin Fast Ad Integration With AdMob & Unity Ads ( You Decide ) Make More Levels In No Time Multiple Balls To Unlock F.A.Q. How long will it take me to reskin the game ? The game has less than 10 materials & 10 models, so the reskin process will be really quick and you will be able to launch & profit in no time. How much money can I earn ? It really depends on the game, but if you are among the first ones who launch the game, you can for sure get 20$ per day (minimum !!!) How long will it take to return my investment ? Once again, it really varies a lot, if you launch the game fast enough, you can get your money back within a week, then it’s all profit ;) What else do I get when I’ll purchase the game ? I would give some of you a candy if I could, but that feature is currently unavailable :D