Here is a room for one more powerful complete project that rocks! You can make an awesome child-friendly pet doctor game, using our template for “Puppy care”. We have launched a lot of games for kids and came to a decision, that kids games niche is just like Klondike! Check out the features of our hassle-free Source project of the game! Maybe it is your moment to take part in the gold rush of kids games on App Market! The games, designed specifically for toddlers and pre-school children score really high on App Markets! It’s definitely worth a shot, if you still didn’t get into this market niche. Alright, what about game play? It is pretty simple, of course, so even the infants can easily play it. The pug in this game is very dirty and badly injured. Children start with washing him with a shower and towel. After that 5 tools appear on the screen. Kids need to pick up right tool to cover 5 injuries of the pug: – They check the pug’s temperature with thermometer;
– Cover the bruises on fur with Band-Aids;
– Fixate the broken paw with colorful plasters;
– Use the injection to cope with allergic reaction;
– Apply medicine from the tube on fur to kill the germs
– When it is all done, children can feed the pug with dog food and give him the bone. They also choose the color of puppy’s plaster and apply different stickers on it. – Eventually, the puppy becomes happy. On the last screen there will be a button to share the screenshot via Facebook and also save it in gallery. Features After launching that game by ourselves, we are pretty sure that kids and their rents just love this game! As for the features of this project: – Made in Unity Free
– projectd in C# Language
– Can be exported to all stores that Unity supports
– The project is bug-free
– Settings and re-skinning are very simple
– You can customize soundboard easily
– The game interface is child-friendly
– iOS 64 bit compatible
– iOS 8 and Android Lollipop Compatible
– Facebook Like button
– Facebook Share button
– Saving a puppy image button
– Settings and re-skinning are very simple
– Beautiful effects, animation and side sound effects
– Graphics are watermarked
– Can be launched on the majority of devices
– Royalty Free Sounds and Music integrated. The documentation is included with project to ease out the process of reskin.
Puppy Care
Category :
Category Unity
Platform :
iOS 9.1.x, iOS 9.2.x, iOS 9.3, iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13, iOS 14, iOS 15, Android 4.4, Android 5.0, Android 6.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Unity 2020
Framework :
Category Unity
Product details
Made possible by exploring innovative molded plywood techniques, Iskos-Berlin’s Soft Edge Chair blends strong curves with extreme lightness to create a three-dimensionality not usually possible with 2-D plywood.
Licences |
Multiple app license , Single app license |